Rômulo Filho


Hello! I'm Rômulo Filho, a Data Scientist from Fortaleza, CE - Brazil. I'm passionate about games, technology and music. This is my portfolio where you will find links to the papers I published, talks I presented and some other interesting stuff. Hope you enjoy it!

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Here you will find some projects I worked on.

Reinforcement Learning Projects

Gym Hero

Gym Hero is a Reinforcement Learning environment based on Guitar Hero. It was part of my undergraduate thesis. Here is a picture of the game:

Other projects

Joguinhos Grátis (Deactivated due to Reddit pricing)

Telegram Bot I developed and mantain. There you will find the latest discounts and sales on games. All links are retrieved from r/gamedeals.

Board Game Geek Analysis

Exploratory analysis of the Board Game Geek Community dataset. The main objective was to answer the following questions:

To understand the dataset and answer these questions I did an exploratory analisys of the data, and plotted some graphics. Click here for the repository.

Content is in PT-BR.

Mortalidade Infantil

This project was developed as the final assignment for the Data Visualization Course I took at the Federal University of Ceará. It presents the data obtained from DATASUS regarding child mortality in Ceará. The visualizations were created using JavaScript, D3 and Crossfilter.

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